In Chinese art there is no requirement that an object be seen in its entirety, and this idea has existed for hundreds of years. In landscapes, water scenes with boats, mountains and rock outcroppings with trees often appear, sometimes in simplified form.
These two tiles are from a Chinese Bakelite set. You can see the boat continues from one tile to the next, but still not seen in its entirety. Notice how a tree trunk is captured on the right tile.
This special ink and color scroll was painted by Zhang Daqian (Chang Dai-chien) who lived from 1899 until 1963. It is entitled The Bridge to Eternity. You can see a lone fisherman in his boat at the water's edge, with the boat somewhat hidden behind a small projection of the landscape. But objects don't have to be hidden to be simplified:
(This tile is not half of a two tile set)
There is no need to show the whole object if people can figure out what it is.
Looking at these tiles again you can note how here too boats are somewhat hidden by land outcropping, with trees along the rocky shoreline and mountains. You will see a partial bridge on the lower left tile, a structure also seen on the Zhang Daqian scroll above.