About me

My name is Gregg Swain


I am an art enthusiast with a new found passion for Mahjong. I enjoy studying the art found on all vintage Mahjong sets and accessories, and attempting to understand what the craftsmen intended to convey in the details of their images. I love sharing information about sets, offering interpretations, and possible inspirations from Chinese art that guided the work of the craftsmen,  in the hopes I'll get others interested in this wonderful and often unique art form. Because all Mahjong records were destroyed in the times of the Cultural Revolution in China, we will never really know who the craftsmen were, or their intentions. We can honor their legacy by bringing their art back into the light, for all to enjoy

My hope is that this website will allow people to appreciate the art on vintage and antique pieces, and that sets deteriorating in basements and attics will be rescued, restored, and brought back to their rightful places in the home.

You can email me at this address:


I do a lot of Mahjong related talks. You can see my talk schedule here:


I have a book that came out in November 2014, with my real name on the cover instead of the "internet alias" Kuan Yin  I have been using. It is Mah Jongg The Art of the Game, by Ann Israel and me, Gregg Swain. It is a lovely book, and I think you'll like it too.

You can look at the book website by clicking here

to order it, click here:


or here from Amazon:



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